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Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common areas we treat but can arise from various parts of the body.
Many different factors can cause lower back pain, and not one person coming into our clinic will present with the exact same issue.

Contrary to popular belief, the best thing you can do is keep active throughout your back-healing journey. This can be scary but we are here to help you.

Common back complaints we treat:

Sciatica, back sprains and strains, disc problems such as “slipped”, “prolapsed” or “bulging” discs, osteoarthritis, sports injuries, fractures, post-surgery, pelvic floor dysfunction, women’s health including pregnancy and post-natal issues.

If you experience pain in your back, this may also run down both of your legs and could cause a loss of power and bladder control or difficulty passing urine. Moreover, lower back pain can also cause numbness or tingling sensations and lead to fever or excessive sweating.

It is highly recommended to consult a professional to determine the source of the pain. Remember, it is not just important to treat the symptoms but to target the source of the pain and prevent it from coming back. We are here to help!

Back pain can often be caused by:

Previous injuries to the lower limb, back or neck.

Muscle imbalances - For example, if some muscles are weaker or tighter it can impact joints, muscles, tendons and nerves in other areas of the body. Your body should function as a team, and we want to ensure that one body area isn’t left doing all the work.

Foot function is unique to everyone and it can impact the back and other joints. We can scan your feet in just 10 minutes to identify any potential issues. If we detect any problems, we can custom-mould comfortable and supportive insoles in-store for you. Your wellbeing begins at your feet.

Poor health and lifestyle factors such as being fatigued, having poor quality sleep, being overweight and being physically inactive. Social factors can also influence back pain such as dealing with stressful life events including work-related difficulties, family illness or death.

A new hobby or sport - Doing too much too soon, or increasing physical activity too quickly, when your body isn’t used to it can cause problems. We recommend a “Body MOT”  for those who want to get into or increase physical activity.

Age/Arthritis - As you get older, you lose 3-8% muscle mass per year which can help us to understand why things might get harder with age. Arthritis isn’t a disease; it is wear and tear, and it is inevitable, even for those who don’t have pain. However, it doesn’t mean you have to live in constant pain. We can’t get rid of arthritis but we can help reduce pain by making you more resilient and keeping your muscles and joints functioning at their best, like a well-oiled machine. Here's a link to our blog for more information about wear and tear, arthritis, and keeping your body well-maintained.

Sitting for long periods or inactivity - Whether at home, work or driving, sitting for prolonged periods can lead to weakness, stiffness, and imbalances within the body.  You can arrange a Body MOT  and we can work together to build an exercise routine that works for you and counteracts periods of inactivity.

Women’s health issues such as those related to pregnancy, post-natal or menopause can cause various problems with the body.

Core, pelvic floor and breathing function - The way your diaphragm, ribcage and core function can have a significant impact on the rest of your body. Believe it or not, men have a pelvic floor too!  

Referred pain - The body is a wonderfully complex machine and we use the consultation and Body MOT to make sense of it. Back pain can sometimes refer down from the upper back, neck or shoulders. Organs can also refer symptoms to other areas of the body. If we believe you could benefit from working with another health professional then we can refer you to this also.

Trauma such as sports injuries, road traffic accidents, falls, and twists are all incidents in life that can cause lasting problems if not properly addressed and rehabilitated.

Neurological issues including MS, Parkinsons or having experienced a stroke can all influence lower back pain. You can find more information on a client we worked with who experienced neurological issues on our blog.

Why do I have back pain?
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